Friday, November 9, 2012

An Introduction and a Review

Hello, come one and come all to Half-Wit Reviews, my new blog in which I take games that I have played and review them. Pretty simple, right?

I'll start off introductions, my name is Drew Mears, and I've been around games since I was born. It didn't hurt that my two older sisters enjoyed playing games, and somewhere between 1989 and 1991, my parents purchased a Nintendo Game Console with around thirty games to choose. You had your standard:

Super Mario Bros/Duck Hunt, Zelda, Zelda II, Mega Man, and  Mike Tyson's Punch Out!! Hell, we even had Snake Rattle 'n' Roll.

Damn you confusing Q*Bert-esque world!
Needless to say, I had a good start at gaming as a life-long hobby. Sure, my background doesn't hold as much weight as to those guys who grew up with the Atari 2600 or those blessed (cursed?) with an Intellevision.

What is this? I don't even...
I've grown up with the NES, SNES, Genesis, Sega CD, Playstation, N64, Xbox, Gamecube, Xbox 360, Playstation 3, Nintendo Wii....and don't get me started on the damn handhelds!

Behold, the battery devourer! 

So here's the thing: I've been playing games as long as I can remember. I love 'em. I feel that games can be great to waste time with, or to tell someone's story beyond the scope of the novel or the movie; since video games are the marriage of story and control. At the same time, I won't act as if i'm the end all idea of game reviewers. I'm not going to assign a score to a game and declaim it as gold or shit. Instead, i'm going to examine games I've played and do my best to give my opinion on the game. And that opinion  dear reader, is something you can take as you will. 

So, i'll start tonight off with a review of a game that has just released, and I have not 100% beaten. So, take it as a "spoiler-lite" review. Oh yeah, the game is Halo 4. 

Insert ambient music here.

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